Workplace Health Promotion at TUM


Welcome to TUMgesund - the health management system and workplace health promtotion at TUM. Our goal is to expand the range of health-promoting measures in the next few years as needed and we would like to support you in doing actively for your health.

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News & Events

| TUMgesund

Health course "back fitness" (online)

From September 14th, 2022, a health course "back fitness" will be offered again via online sessions as part of the "TUM Gesunde Hochschule" project.

| TUMgesund

2nd Forum "TUM Healthy University - Health meets Technology"

On July 7th, 2022 from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. the 2nd Healthy University Forum will take place on the Garching campus.

| TUMgesund

Active in spring: health offers at TUM

sports afternoon, hybrid cardio training and running challenge for TUM members. TUM is actively starting in spring.

| TUMgesund

03.06.2022| 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Workshop „Leadership & Mental Health“

A workshop on healthy self-management and leadership at the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning. Faculty@TUM

| TUMgesund

Berglicht - Snowshoe or winter hike on February 16 2022

16.02.2022| Berglicht hike: Offer for TUM employees* to go on an easy hike in the Bavarian Prealps once a month as part of TUMgesund.

| TUMgesund

Studienteilnehmer*innen gesucht!

An der Professur für Bewegung, Ernährung und Gesundheit wird Ende November mit dem Studienvorhaben „STOP MetSyn“ gestartet, das sich der Prävention des metabolischen Syndroms widmet. Kurz gefasst: Es wird untersucht, wie sich eine App-basierte Lebensstil-Intervention auf kardio-vaskuläre und metabolische Risikofaktoren auswirkt. Es werden Studienteilner*innen (m/w/d ) zwischen 25-55 Jahren…