Workplace Health Promotion at TUM


Welcome to TUMgesund - the health management system and workplace health promtotion at TUM. Our goal is to expand the range of health-promoting measures in the next few years as needed and we would like to support you in doing actively for your health.

All about health

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News & Events

| TUMgesund

TUM Health Promotion Day

In June/July there will be health days at various locations at TUM with a wide range of health-related offerings.

| TUMgesund

Bike to work and CITY CYCLING!! - Join us this summer!

The big summer campaign for more fitness in everyday life starts again. Promotion period: May 1st to August 31st

| TUMgesund

Blood donations new dates at TUM Garching campus

The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) blood donation service is at the Garching campus on Monday and Tuesday (April 29th and 30. 2024).

| TUMgesund

Back Health Day on March 15th

This year`s motto is: "Your compass to back health". The aim here is to support people in finding their own path to back health. Back Health Day takes place every year on March 15th and is an initiative of the Bundesverband deutscher Rückenschulen e. V. and the Aktion Gesunder Rücken (AGR) e.V.

| TUMgesund

TUMHorizons – workshops and virtual short impulses

TUMHorizons at the Institute for LifeLongLearning, our continuing education and training program at TUM, also offers a wide range of courses and virtual impulse workshops for all TUM members in the summer semester.

| TUMgesund

University Sports Center Munich (ZHS) - it starts again! (copy 1)

From March, 24th, the course program for the summer semester will be released for viewing. Ticket bookings are also possible from 03/24 possible. Please make sure to find out about the requirements and the procedure for obtaining the new ZHS card before booking on the website.

| TUMgesund

TUM Campusrun 2024 - May 15th

The TUM Campus Run will take place on Thursday, May 15th on Campus Garching. Register till April, 21st

| TUMgesund

Lauf 10! Here we go again - 10 kilometers in 10 weeks

The goal is 10 kilometers in 10 weeks. Together with the Technical University of Munich and over 150 sports clubs throughout Bavaria, the Lauf10! starting Monday, April, 29th.

| TUMgesund

(Online) health courses start again

For all TUM employees there are again some health courses in 2024 in cooperation with the Techniker Krankenkasse.

| TUMgesund

Online lecture “Staying calm in everyday digital life” on January 10th, 2024

Wednesday January 10th, 2024: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (online/zoom). An online seminar on the topic of digital stress and sensory overload: