News & Events von TUMgesund

Mental Health Day: October 10th 2023

TUMgesund |

October 10 is World Mental Health Day. On the occasion of this day, the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning would like to provide you manifold impulses for the promotion of your mental health.

Picture: by Total Shape via Pixabay

Especially nowadays strategies to promote mental health become more and more essential. At the Mental Health Day of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning, a broad range of virtual short lectures and workshops will be offered to raise awareness of the importance of mental health and provide TUM employees with valuable impulses.

At everything centers around the topic of mental health on the action day "Mental Health Day@IL3". What do leaders need to know? What evidence-based approaches can increase your mental health and well-being? What practical tools can help you stay mentally strong? These and other questions will be answered in 20 virtual short lectures and workshops.

You will find more information and the program about the Mental Health Day at TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning at the following website:
TUM Mental Health Day

To make participation as accessible as possible to a broad target audience, all courses take place online and are limited to a duration of 90 minutes. This means that they can be easily integrated into everyday work schedules. The program also includes English- and German-language courses to make participation possible for our international colleagues.

Newsletter TUMgesund

You will be informed about current health promotion offers and are invited and reminded about the activities.